
Council: Collaboration between Arts Council Malta and the National Skills Council promotes emerging careers in the arts sector.

A series of educational initiatives will take place alongside other activities.

Friday 11 October 2024

Council Culture Pass 2024 launched

A scheme designed to provide high-quality professional cultural and artistic experiences to students, from kindergarten to postsecondary schools
Friday 18 October 2024

Council Collaboration between Arts Council Malta and the National Skills Council promotes emerging careers in the arts sector.

A series of educational initiatives will take place alongside other activities.
Friday 11 October 2024

Council Arts Council Malta announces €30,000 funding towards cultural educational initiatives

Agreement with Fondazzjoni Kreattività to support ŻiguŻajg International Arts Festival and the Incubator mentorship programme as part of the 2024/25 Spazju Kreattiv season.
Thursday 10 October 2024

Council Studio Francis Ebejer: Jitħabbru drammi ġodda u ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-100 sena anniversarju ta’ Francis Ebejer

Teatru Malta, it-Teatru Manoel u Spazju Kreattiv, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti, ingħaqdu flimkien għall-edizzjoni oħra tal-inizjattiva Studio Francis Ebejer. Wara proċess ta’ għażla, ġew magħżula tliet drammi biex jiġu żviluppati aktar.
Thursday 19 September 2024

Council Mary Ann Cauchi appointed board director for EUNIC

Arts Council Malta Director of Funding & Strategy is first Maltese to receive the prestigious appointment.
Wednesday 14 August 2024

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In Place of War & Arts Council Malta
Arts Council Malta
The Training & Lifelong Learning Center of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)

Latest blogs

Third edition of the State of the Arts Symposium to take place in October
The programme includes the official launch of the National Charter for the Status of the Artist and focuses on the theme of Renewing Common Pathways
Applications for the Screen Support Scheme are now open
Five strands are available to cover works of fiction, documentaries, animations, and cultural programmes

Learn about funding.

Our funding programmes, guidelines, application forms and steps on how to apply here.

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