This programme will help Regions and those involved in their councils to support and maintain Malta’s creative and cultural ecology, whilst practicing cultural diplomacy by enabling cultural activities and collaborations with creative practitioners and cultural operators to:

1. Introduce programmes that will actively involve participants of various demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, nationality) within the various cultural regional areas.
2. Nurture cross-sectoral synergies at local and national levels to recognise arts and culture as essential for the well-being of all.
3. Maintain, build, and foster new and existing strategic partnerships, collaborations, and networks nationally to enable further opportunities for artists and practitioners.
4. Advocate for the involvement of diverse communities in decision-making processes, whilst providing opportunities for community involvement and responsibility to widen the scope of engagement within the arts and culture.

The Regional council will need to provide a proposed programme of related activities with a set of common objectives, which may include events, productions, performances, exhibitions, festivals, community cultural initiatives, research, training, and development initiatives in order to make the case for their proposals in line with the respective Regional Cultural Strategies. The programme aims to facilitate more collaborations between a Region and cultural operators for each cultural project, which are respective of each Region, as well as beyond, to encourage cross-sectoral engagement.

The Regional Cultural Cooperation Programme aims to invest in:

• Increased cultural participation of all generations and demographics across Malta and Gozo.
• Enhanced communication and tangible practice between Regions and cultural operators
• Diversity in cultural and regional programming
• A culture that is much more representative of Maltese society at large, by extending our practice beyond the traditional.

Who can apply? 

The grant is open to Regions in collaboration with one or more of the following:

• Creative practitioners/Cultural operators
• Groups, collectives, and consortia
• Voluntary organisations enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.


The deadline to apply is Tuesday 11th June 2024 at noon. Late application cannot be accepted.


Click here to download guidelines and download application template. 

Click here to download Access Support guidelines. 

Applicants are required to register a new profile as from January 2021. 

Apply here


Application Deadline: 11th June 2024

Ranking Order

Beneficiary:Port Regional Council 

Reference number: RCCP10-24-4332 

Project Title:United in Diversity through the Arts 

Amount awarded: €20,000 

This is a two-part project aimed at fostering integration and wellbeing in through the arts.  In the 1st part, a community outreach program will be conducted to assess skills and understand the needs and challenges of foreign nationals residing in the Harbour Region. This phase will involve collaboration with NGOs, government entities, and cultural mediators to build trust and gather information about the interests and talents of seven specific foreign communities. In the 2nd part, the beneficiaries will be using the findings from the first phase, and Artistic Directors Joseph Galea and Francesca Zammit will create a year-long festival taking place in 2025. This festival will include six initiatives featuring various art forms such as dance, music, theatre, food, visual arts, and storytelling. The festival will promote multiculturalism, utilise non-traditional venues, ensure community safety, and focus on environmental sustainability.  A marketing team will develop a campaign supported by cultural mediators and translators. 


Beneficiary:Kunsill Reġjonali Tramuntana 

Reference number: RCCP12-24-4335 

Project Title: Nisġa ta’ Lwien – Texture of Colours 

Amount awarded: €13,520 

This is a community-based creative project aimed at enhancing the cultural landscape of Regjun Tramuntana through inclusive and sustainable activities. Supported by the Arts Council Malta, the initiative focuses on increasing cultural participation across all demographics. Key components include community-based art workshops delivered by professional and experienced artists and other secondary activities. The project emphasizes strategic partnerships, community engagement, and ecopsychology to promote mental well-being and environmental benefits. Activities are designed to reflect community needs and preferences, with sustainability practices integrated throughout. Evaluation metrics will measure participation, engagement, general well-being, and sustainability impact to ensure the project's success and lasting cultural enrichment. 


Beneficiary:Kunsill Reġjonali Punent 

Reference number: RCCP07-24-4321 

Project Title: Art for Social Change, Empowering Artists, Transforming communities 

Amount awarded: €20,000 

The project aims to engage and inspire diverse community groups through the arts.  Inspired by the works of Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, this project aims at creating awareness with the goal of bringing about social change through the exploration of a couple of themes relevant and meaningful to the specific target audiences, in this case, the elderly and youths. The intention is to create a safe space where one can foster creativity, promote freedom of expression and social inclusion.  The project will employ an integrated approach using visual and performing arts, writing and music to achieve its goals. Each art form will serve as a medium to engage participants, encourage self-expression while addressing shared themes pertinent to the target audience. The  plan is to raise awareness and suggest possible solutions and/or recommendations that bring along tangible change to the lives of people. 


Beneficiary:Kunsill Reġjonali Lvant 

Reference number: RCCP08-24-4330 

Project Title:A theatrical tour of the Eastern Region 

Amount awarded: €18,650 

The project will offer a multidisciplinary, holistic, artistic and theatrical tour of the Eastern Region spread over 2 days. In collaboration with local actor and guide Jeremy Grech, Battlefront Malta, and tour operator Joe Abdilla, this project will provide a unique and educational cultural experience for all involved. The land-based tours will use historic vehicles to travel across the region, stopping for workshops, musical performances, and theatrical performances of ‘Diary of War’. The production, directed by Jeremy Grech, will take place in the air raid shelters of Għargħur, depicting the Second World War experiences of our ancestors. Sea-based tours will use a Luzzu, carrying up to 70 passengers, on a harbour tour with Jeremy in character, providing a unique and engaging experience.