What are Intellectual Property Rights? How do they apply to you? In this ACMlab session you will meet Jeanine Rizzo, a lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property Rights who will demystify the subject and help you better understand what copyright, trade marks, design rights and patents are all about



Jeanine Rizzo is a lawyer graduated from the University of Malta who has furthered her studies in the fields of intellectual property law and art & antiquity law at Masters level at University College London.

While in London she was a research assistant to the late Professor Norman Palmer, carrying out research on the law of bailment and on art law. Upon her return to Malta, she built a practice in intellectual property law and art law at Fenech & Fenech Advocates for 11 years.

She has now ventured forward with her own consultancy. Jeanine specialises in Copyright (both new and old media), trade marks, patents, design rights, entertainment law, music law and film law. Her experience has taken her into the depth of the creative industries with tailored legal expertise to all matters concerning the industry.

She is also a lecturer and examiner at the University of Malta and at MCAST, is frequently published writing about the subject and a member of the Chamber of Commerce RTDI Committee.

The session will held on Tuesday 9 April 2019 at 6.30pm Malta Society of Arts, Palazzo de La Salle, 219 Republic Str, Valletta. 

To book your place call us on 23397020 or send us an email on fundinfo@artscouncilmalta.org. Places are limited and are reserved on a first-come first-served basis.