The Apprenticeship Scheme is one of the tools to address and implement Arts Council Malta’s strategy in favour of professional growth across the CCS (Culture and Creative Sectors), an action aligned with the vision outlined in Strategy 2025.

The Apprenticeship Scheme is divided in two calls for proposals.

● Call 1 is applicable to sole traders, entities registered with the Malta Business Registry, Voluntary Organisations enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations and Cooperatives registered with the Cooperatives Board.

Applicants interested in hosting apprentices are invited to submit their proposal. Eligible applicants include operators whose activities require significant creative input and who may be engaged in the below sectors:

o Cultural and Creative
o Digital Technologies
o Design o iGaming (excluding betting companies)
o Crafts o Social

● Call 2 is applicable to Creative Practitioners in possession of a minimum qualification of MQF level 5 (applicants in possession of a higher qualification level may also be considered).

This programme reflects the drive towards the further professionalisation of the cultural and creative sector, the promotion of an entrepreneurial culture among creatives and enhancement of technical and vocational skills. It provides opportunities to strengthen the knowledge base and strategies of cultural and creative enterprises. By investing in processes designed to improve the quality that is needed to generate artistic work of excellence, our goal is to support the development of a sustainable creative ecology and to foster further job opportunities in the sector.

The primary objectives of the Scheme are:

• To support the professional development of creative practitioners
• To foster excellence in the fields of art and culture, and the advancement of knowledge and capabilities in such related fields
• To encourage professional intellectual growth
• To encourage creative professionals to continue building their skill sets
• To support enterprises operating within the priority sectors of this scheme and which actively strive towards social, economic and environmental sustainable practices (Green transition).

Who can apply?

Call for Hosts

Applicants may be:

● Sole Traders
● Entities registered with the Malta Business Registry (including limited liability companies, partnerships, foundations, and organisations/associations)
● Registered cooperatives
● Voluntary organisations enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.

Call for Apprentices

Applicants must be creative practitioners.


Call for Hosts

The deadline to apply is Tuesday 16th July 2024 at noon. Late applications cannot be accepted.

Call for Apprentices

The deadline to apply is Tuesday 1st October 2024 at noon. Late applications cannot be accepted.


Click here to download guidelines and and download application template for Call 1 and Call 2. Please find here the Apprenticeship Scheme Addendum. 

Click here to download Access Support guidelines. 

Applicants are required to register a new profile as from January 2021. 

Apply here