The Access Support mechanism forms part of a portfolio of initiatives designed to help people come together, explore diverse narratives, and unleash their creative expression.

This scheme is aimed at enabling creatives, cultural workers, and communities to:

• Learn through non-formal learning;
• Connect, collaborate and create with diverse players and audiences – locally and abroad;
• Engage diverse participants.

The common thread running through these elements is the cultivation of an environment that is conducive to sustainable development and well-being.

The scheme provides specific support that allows activities and projects – awarded under any of the ACM Funding Schemes 2024 – to adopt the highest standards of good practice, combining equity with quality. This is done in line with the right to culture, that is effectively the cornerstone of the Arts Council Malta Strategy 2025. This support mechanism invests in people, resources, services, facilities, infrastructure, and in multidisciplinary and/or cross-sectoral collaboration for the development and implementation of cultural and artistic projects or activities.

Who can apply?

Beneficiaries who were awarded funding under any of the Funding Schemes 2024 managed by Arts Council Malta.


Click here to download guidelines. 


List of Beneficiaries