Published on Monday 29 July 2024

The mentorship programme empowers young artists to use their skills to bring about social change.

Five young artists are being offered the opportunity to learn how they can use their artistic skills to bring about social change via the Artivisti Mentorship Programme. The artists who will be taking part in this fifth edition are Matias Cassar, Jake Gialanze, Diellza Igner, Andre Mifsud, and Klara Vassallo.

Artivisti is organised by Arts Council Malta in collaboration with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, to empower emerging artists by fostering a sense of social responsibility.

Inaugural Meeting Kicks Off Mentorship Programme

The five artists have now embarked on a mentorship programme, which kicked off with a special inaugural meeting between representatives from both organisations and the Artivisti themselves.

The meeting set the tone for the artists’ artistic and social transformation, as they embark on a journey of guidance, support, and opportunities to design and implement creative projects and grow as artists.

The programme, which was open to young artists aged 18 to 25 years, focuses on identifying and recognising outstanding young talent, instilling social responsibility through arts and creativity and serving as a platform for critical thinking.

A Cross Collaboration Of Art Forms

The five participating artists span a variety of artistic genres, from photography (Jake Gialanze) to fashion design (Matias Cassar), dance and poetry (Klara Vassallo), transdisciplinary performance (Diellza Igner) and theatre (Andre Mifsud).

Despite their young age, all five artists are already very active within the communities and art forms they practise. Andre founded the Zejtun local theatre group 4Jays, where he has written and produced over 12 productions within the community. Diellza is a co-founder of the art collectives ConsciousArtDuo and D.SHOWS, whose various works explore political issues while using conscious art therapeutic practice.

Jake’s work often features scenes like elderly individuals having casual conversations, reflecting a culture that is slowly fading. Clara placed first in the Doreen Micallef National Poetry Contest and is currently capturing a poetic journey that delves into the depths of mental illness.

An 18-Month Journey Starts Now

All five Artivisti will spend the next 18 months on this journey of mentorship, exploring ways of combining social responsibility and art so as to bring about social change through innovation, practice-based research and transformation through knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and creative exchange.

For more information about the Artivisti Mentorship Programme visit here.