an educational programme of the Training & Lifelong Learning Center of the Democritus University of Thrace

The Training & Lifelong Learning Center of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) is organizing a Training and Lifelong Learning Program entitled "The Ancient Greek Lyre in Education" from 01/11/24 to 31/07/24, under the scientific supervision of Evangelia Kopsalidou, Specialized Teaching Staff at the School of Education Sciences, Democritus University of Thrace, historical musicologist, music educator, and lyre player.

The Program is aimed at musicians, teachers, kindergarten teachers, soloists, composers, dancers, students of music studies, pedagogy, preschool education, philology, philosophy, history, physical education, sports, fine arts, or any other department.

The objective of the program is to familiarize participants with the ancient Greek lyre, introduce them to its study, and understand its role in education. Participants will gain technical knowledge of playing the ancient Greek lyre through the first comprehensive learning method. They will acquire knowledge of music education in ancient Greece, as well as the use of the ancient Greek lyre throughout the centuries.  Additionally, participants will learn vocal interpretation of ancient musical fragments and the connection between language and music. They will acquire knowledge of accompanying texts, myths, poems, songs, hymns from ancient Greece, as well as contemporary ones. Finally, they will be introduced to the connection of philosophy and music, maths and music and also the influence of the ancient Greek music to the one of modern composers and especially Mikis Theodorakis.

For more info click here. Deadline to apply: 15/10/2024

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