The seventh edition of Premju għall-Arti- awarding excellence in the arts


Premju għall-Arti is Arts Council Malta’s celebration of the main achievements of Malta’s cultural and creative industries.  As highlighted in the National Cultural Policy 2021 this is a high-profile national event awarding excellence in the field of culture and the arts, while encouraging more professionalism and distinction within the sector. This aligns with ACM’s first guiding principle as stipulated in its Strategy2025 which is to champion the advancement of the status of the artists, and cultural and creative practitioners.  

Artistic expression is to be recognised, celebrated, and cherished as a core value of contemporary cultural life, reflected in a commitment towards the principles of cultural rights. The award sheds light on some of the key protagonists that have demonstrated the power of artistic expression to present new perspectives and ideas in an ever-changing social and cultural context.

Excellence in the arts is characterised by the creation of the most daring, original, innovative, and impeccably executed works. This encompasses a broad spectrum of artistic expressions, from traditional to contemporary, wide-reaching to niche, from low-budget to high-budget. Excellence lies in its impact on both the creative practitioners and audiences, marked by depth, vision, and innovation through equitable and inclusive processes. It involves integrity, resonance, originality, proficiency, ambition, imagination, and long-term thinking. Excellence embraces fair practices within the processes that bring to fruition artistic projects, which include respecting health and safety regulations, non-discrimination, equal access and opportunities, accountability, decent working conditions and adherence to intellectual property regulation. This award aspires to recognise the highest artistic standards achieved through fair practices, while embracing the ongoing potential of societal and technological changes that impacts artistic processes and outcomes.

The main aim is, therefore, to recognise and reward excellent, innovative, and outstanding work premiered throughout the seasons of the past two years and/or showed significant progress in the approach towards production.

As from 2023, il-Premju għall-Arti will take place on a biennial basis. This edition will be happening in 2025, with the next one happening in 2027.

The eligibility period is between 1st September 2023 to  31st August 2025. 



Best artistic programme or season 2023/2024

L-aqwa programm jew staġun artistiku 2023/2024


Best artistic programme or season 2024/2025

L-aqwa programm jew staġun artistiku 2024/2025


Award for national artistic excellence

Premju għat-tisħiħ artistiku nazzjonali


The nominees for the above categories must be Public Cultural Organisations.



Best work for young audiences

L-aqwa xogħol għal tfal u żgħażagħ


Best project in the community

L-aqwa proġett fil-komunità


Best Production: theatre

L-aqwa produzzjoni: teatru


Best Production: dance

L-aqwa produzzjoni: żfin


Best Production: visual art

L-aqwa produzzjoni: arti viżiva


Best Production: multidisciplinary

L-aqwa produzzjoni: multidixxiplinarja


Best Production: music

L-aqwa produzzjoni: mużika


Best international achievement

L-aqwa kisbiet internazzjonali


Best creative and innovative enterprise

L-aqwa intrapriża kreattiva u innovattiva        


Young creative practitioner award

Premju għall-prattikant kreattiv żagħżugħ/a


Creative practitioner award

Premju għall-prattikant kreattiv


The nominees for the above categories must be individuals, entities, cultural NGOs, companies and/or collectives, so long as they are the Intellectual Property Owner of the project being presented - Public Cultural Organisations can be partners in the project.

The below are  non-competitive honours:


Lifetime achievement award

Unur għall-karriera artistika


Honour for cultural promoters

Unur għall-promoturi kulturali


Honour for artistic legacy

Unur għall-wirt artistiku


Ambassador of the Arts Award

Premju għall-Ambaxxatur fl-Arti

Nomination for the honours categories are being accepted. These will then be evaluated by an internal board.  Refer to section in relation to honours for more information.

The Ambassador of the Arts award will be open for adjudication every four years.

For more information, guidelines and for nominating your favourite artistic works, kindly visit For any queries kindly email on




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First edition - 2018
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Il-Premju għall-Arti winners announced