Funded projects for 2017
Creative Communities
Applicant: Opening Doors Association
Reference number: CC 10-17-2042
Project Title: Difference and Diversity: Leadership Training for Social Inclusion in the Performing Arts
Amount awarded: €3,500
An intensive weekend of lectures, practical workshop sessions and shared discussions led by experienced international and local guests in the field of Disability and the Arts. The participants will be the artistic leaders, assistants and volunteers from Opening Doors, and also local teachers, artists and all interested parties. This two-day event will be held in November 2017 at Spazju Kreattiv.
Applicant: Soċjetà Mużikali Madonna tal-Ġilju
Reference number: CC 14-17-2046
Project Title: Creative Christmas Workshops for the Community
Amount awarded: €4,999.70
A multidisciplinary development programme with a group of adolescents aged between 10 and 13. The project is aimed at celebrating Maltese culture and widening active participation in the cultural life of the community. The workshops culminate in an installation whereby image projection centres around the nativity theme.
Applicant: Għaqda Mużikali Santa Marija Ħal Għaxaq A.D. 1873
Reference number: CC 16-17-2048
Project Title: Sagru/Profan – Photographing the present, reliving the past
Amount awarded: €3,888.45
A photographic exhibition of photographs found at the Society’s archives and private collections that artistically document 2 annual events in the village of Ħal Għaxaq – the spontaneous village carnival and the procession knows as ‘Tar-Redentur’ which passes through the narrow village streets on Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the Lenten season leading to Holy Week. The researched material and collective memories are intended to be displayed in the final exhibition The targeted population focuses on the Ħal Għaxaq community.
Applicant: Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar
Reference number: CC 17-17-2049
Project Title: Santa Marija Convoy Commemoration
Amount awarded: €3,702.40
This year, the 75th Anniversary of the heroic Santa Marija Convoy represents the last important anniversary for which people who lived through the event will still be present. FAA’s project seeks to renew the collective memory of this important event in the Three Cities community, through the words of those who lived through it. For this reason, FAA will be organising a number of events which will be preceded by a lecture by WWII expert Simon Cusens. The Grupp Żgħażagħ Bormliżi will also hold interviews in order to keep the intangible heritage alive, to strengthen intergenerational exchanges in the community and to reduce marginalisation.
Applicant: Għaqda Mużikali San Ġużepp Ħal Għaxaq
Reference number: CC 05-17-2037
Project Title: Music through Kodaly – Music for Everyone
Amount awarded: €3,600
A project aimed at introducing the Kodaly approach to music education in Malta: “teach(ing) music... in such a way that is not a torture, but a joy for the pupil; instill(ing) a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst which will last for a lifetime.” In 2016, this method was inscribed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Applicant: Għaqda Mużikali San Leonardu A.D. 1858
Reference number: CC 02-17-2031
Project Title: D Hymns: Digitising, Documenting and Disseminating Kirkop’s musical heritage – a 425th anniversary celebration
Amount awarded: €4,925
Each year, the traditional devotional hymns are performed and sung on the festive days of Kirkop’s festa in honour of St. Leonard. Some of these hymns were never researched, digitised to contemporary tunes or even professionally recorded and properly disseminated. On the occasion of the 425th anniversary of the establishment of the parish church, this project intends to make a systematic effort to revalorise, document and improve the accessibility of these time honoured hymns. A new hymn will be commissioned for the occasion, and all the musical pieces performed by the Akkademja will be recorded.
Applicant: Art Club 2000
Reference number: CC 01-17-2020
Project Title: Train the Trainers and exhibit – An experience in Art, Ceramics, Mosaic and Modelling
Amount awarded: €5,000
A group of Maltese artists will participate in a collective art exhibition with Italian artists at the Divin Maestro Hall in Rome. The participants will attend lectures and courses in ceramics using bone china blue, mosaic in coloured marble/glass, and modelling. An exhibition will finally be organised for the Mellieħa community.
Applicant: Circolo San Giuseppe Filarmonika Sagra Familja Kalkar
Reference number: CC 04-17-2036
Project Title: BANDASTORJA
Amount awarded: €2,854
A collaboration between Banda Sagra Familja Kalkara and Banda San Ġorġ Bormla. This is an outreach project targeted at pupils aged between 5 and 10, and aimed at promoting music through storytelling. The project also intends to encourage pupils to join music classes.
Applicant: Soċjetà Filarmonika Santa Marija, Żebbuġ, Għawdex
Reference number: CC 24-17-3209
Project Title: L-Għażżiela
Amount awarded: €3,905
L-Għażżiela is a well renowned custom/tradition within the Community of Żebbuġ. Għażżiela is an oven baked sough with the initials of the name of Our Lady, tradiotionally used as a protection against thunderstorm. The organisation, will embark on a set of iniatives (art cultural collage) to creatively boost the Għażżiela cultural custom, celebrate the cultural diversity by promoting and organiszing activities related to the tradion and strenghten and increase knowledge of local tangible and intangible heritage. These initiaves will use various skills such as music, cartoons and audiovisual features. The iniatives will include research and publication of an educational and informative leaflet, an organisation of a symposium and master classes, production and publication of an audio-visual feature, the publication of a story telling book for the younger generation and the organisation of a musical concert within the parish church.
Applicant: INSPIRE
Reference number: CC 41-17-3226
Project Title: CRPD Mosaic
Amount awarded: €2,352
CRPD Mosaic is designed to facilitate a more cohesive relationship between Inspire and organisations associated with the Commission for the Rights of People with Disabilities and Action Planet to give children the rewarding experience of recycling and producing art together. They will participate in hands on learning as they collect recycled materials and turn them into mosiacs in a workshop led by Mary Portelli of Gozo Mosaics. Their artwork will be on exhibit at Spazju Kreattiv and then donated to the participating groups so that they will be reminded of the beauty and art that their collaboration and recycling produced.
Applicant: Drachma
Reference number: CC 22-17-3207
Project Title: JOAN
Amount awarded: €5,000
JOAN explores the dynamics of the local transgender community through the interface between gender, spirituality and theatre. This will be done through three workshops, using the medium of drama, facilitated by drag king champion Lucy Jane Parkinson and theatre production company MILK. The workshops will focus on three distinct, but interrelated scenarios: a) a workshop for the transgender community, giving them space to express their realities; b) a workshop for creatives who want to explore trangenderism within the theatrical framework, particularly the reality of drag kings; c) a workshop examining the spirituality of transgender persons. The workshops will culminate in a theatrical one-person performance by Lucy Jane Parkinson. The production depicts history’s greatest gender-warrior Joan of Arc, in a fusion of cabaret and interactive theatre.
Applicant: We Are – Youth and Student LGBTQQI+ Organisation
Reference number: CC 17-17-2049
Project Title: Kitba Queer
Amount awarded: €4,752
Kitba Queer will see the creation of a Queer Fiction Anthology. Training on specific forms of literature will be given and a residential writing weekend will be organised.
Applicant: Soċjetà Filarmonika L-Unjoni
Reference number: CC 32-17-3217
Project Title: Reaching the Young through Film Music
Amount awarded: €5,000
Reaching the Young through Film Music is designed to increase interest in music, through the genre of film music. The project includes visits to film sets – for children and young people, lessons focussing on how music contributes to different music scenes, a lecture on the development of music in the film industry, and an informal family concert at Luqa Primary School. The project culminates in a concert at San Anton Palace. The activities will be complemented with programmes on the organisation’s community radio.
Applicant: Richmond Foundation
Reference number: CC 23-17-3208
Project Title: Sync-ability – making disability able and sync with creativity
Amount awarded: €2,982
Sync-ability involves a collaboration with Moveo Dance Company, to expose clients with mental health problems to physical activity, in order for them to remain as active as possible. Users of the programme at Villa Chelsea will learn to dance and be encouraged to use their creativity and imagination through a series of tailored workshops, specifically designed for people with mental issues, and carried out by professionals. Besides the movement-led workshops, all participants will help/collaborate in preparing a performance for a sharing at the end of the workshops, so that they can experience the excitement of a presentation. In this manner, all participants will be actively involved in the creative process from beginning to end. The whole set of workshops will evolve around a chosen theme. This will add consistency and enable to participants to focus and develop one subject matter to the full, making the process easier to follow and more interesting to develop in detail. The workshops will be over a period of 3 months, with 1-hour workshop per session and a final presentation of their creation at the end. The workshops will not only be movement based, but the introduction of rhythm, instruments, painting, crafts and drama will also be implemented as part of the creation process for the final production. The aim is also to nurture any existing talents or crafts the participants have and encourage them to use and develop them for the purpose of this project.
Applicant: Malta Chamber of Scientists
Reference number: CC 27-17-3212
Project Title: Enabling through Creativity
Amount awarded: €5,000
Enabling through Creativity will help young disabled adults nurture their creativity. Students at Inspire, working to gain independence and skills for everyday life, will attend workshops focusing on interdisciplinary work around science communication, sculpture and installation arts. The workshops will be split between learning about the Maltese ecosystems and how to adapt what they learn to creating a sculpture which will be part of a large Installation. They will receive training on how to communicate their work to the community.
Applicant: Malta Band Clubs Asspciation
Reference number: CC 36-17-3221
Project Title: Festival Mużikali u Artistiku fl-Isla, bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-Bamded tal-Kottonera u l-Komunità Artistika
Amount awarded: €5,000
Festival Mużikali u Artistiku fl-Isla celebrates the 400th anniversary of the processional titular statues at the heart of Maltese history – the Senglea statue of Our Lady of Victories – whose history dates back to 1667. This anniversary will aim to bring together and celebrate the participation of the community in the Cottonera region, with the possibility of this event being enjoyed by anyone wishing to participate, actively or passively through a seminar, an event for the artistic community and general public.
Applicant: Għaqda Madonna tal-Grazzja, Banda San Mikiel, Żabbar, A.D. 1883
Reference number: CC 35-17-3220
Project Title: Niskopru l-Identità Żabbarija permezz tat-Teatru
Amount awarded: €5,000
Niskopru l-Identità Żabbarija permezz tat-Teatru is designed to celebrate and increase awareness of the roots of the Żabbarin community, through teatre. A number of volunteers within the Band club will reach out to the people living in the old alleys and learn on our past and present. These volunteers guided by the Artistic Director will write a script on the life of ‘iż-Żabbarin’ and their roots, including history, culture, traditions and religion. The project culminates in a theatrical production, which will bring the different skills that the volunteers of the organisations have, including musicians, videographers, painters and artists, actors and also dancers. The process revolves around the engagement of the local community, especially the elderly that lived specific experiences.
Applicant: Għaqda Mużikali Sant’ Anna, Marsaskala A.D. 1994
Reference number: CC 26-17-3211
Project Title: Arti fil-Beraħ
Amount awarded: €3,965.56
Arti fil-Beraħ celebrates cultural manifestations, with a focus on social, political, religious and cutural customs which make up the community of Marsaskala.
Applicant: Soċjetà Filarmonika San Pietru Banda Birżebbuġa
Reference number: CC 42-17-3227
Project Title: A Night at the Cathedral
Amount awarded: €3,522
A Night at the Cathedral is designed around two main objectives, to provide an educational opportunity for our musicians to play high quality music inside a unique venue as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mdina.
Applicant: Big Friends Guggen Musik Malta
Reference number: CC 25-17-3210
Project Title: Get Marching!
Amount awarded: €3,522
Youth : Get Marching! involves the engagement of 10 youth under the age of 30 from the Grupp Mużikali Trinità Qaddisa with the Guggen Band, with the aim of acquiring percussion
and dance skills over a period of approximately 2 months. During the skill-training sessions, the youth will be introduced to basic concepts of rythm and dance, synchronisation, and simple patterns on percussion instruments, through a hands-on approach. Percussion has been selected, given that it is readily accessible and offers quick results in terms of basic patterns. The youth participants will then join the 48 performers of the Guggen Band (43 musicians and 5 dancers) for a series of rehearsals, culminating in a performance alongside the core Band perfomers. The performance will be open for attendance by the general public free of charge.
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