Supported by the Malta Arts Fund – Project Support

The project compares and contrasts the relation between art and commerce, and how the art sphere is influenced by and reacts to the capitalist economy. The project is taking place at a supermarket which provides the ideal setting for this reflection and production of work, where the focus will be on the receipts given at the cashpoint. Such receipts and further dialogue with the customers will lead to a new narrative presented through a set of drawings as well as a limited collection of wearable items. The latter, having a number of receipts printed on them, will be the main work for the final performative happening which will take place at the chosen supermarket.

The main collaborators in this project are Kristina Borg, Virginia Monteforte, Silvia Simoncelli as well as a group of actors who will be engaged at a later stage in the project and who will be working directly with the buyers in the supermarket.