Participation and Presentation of Maltese Film Projects in the International Marketplace; The American Film Market (AFM), American Film Institute (AFI) and the European Film Market (EFM).
Participation at the American Film Market, American Film Institute Fest and the Berlinale European Film Market granted access to a wealth of knowledge on international filmmaking practices and how to manage the internationalisation of indigenous film. The Maltese Fighter, a Maltese language short film was showcased at various events at the markets while our slate of Maltese films in various development stages were presented and discussed. Participating at co-production forums allowed for the creation of networks with sales agents, distributors and potential co-producers for the realisation of homegrown film projects. As Malta tries to establish its filmic identity, multi-themed conferences aimed at international filmmakers offered knowledge, as well as mentoring sessions with experienced industry key players. Conferences and workshops included: The Future of Global Film Finance, The Film Finance Matrix, Producing for the Pre-Sales Marketplace, Working with Sales Agents and The Future of Video on Demand amongst many other essential tools for international filmmakers.
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