We will invest in:

  • A wider spectrum of quality work that inspires community cultural exchange and reaches a broader range of people – engaging them as both audience and participants
  • Artists and arts organisations that promote cultural diversity and address cultural inclusion and accessibility
  • Championing cultural rights.

To achieve this, we will:

  • Work with Public Cultural Organisations, arts organisations, and civil society at large to develop delivery agreements that show how their programmes are reaching different sections of society with improved access to the arts, through structured programmes in partnership with the communities.


Over the next five years, we will focus on inclusion and the participation of children, youth, older people, hard-to-reach groups, people with different abilities as well as those from different ethnic backgrounds. We also want to open up more conversations with local organisations, who contribute to the rich traditional culture in the villages and cities of the Maltese islands.

We will therefore invest in projects that bring communities and the arts together to provide a more confident, diverse and innovative arts sector, which is valued by - and in tune with - the communities it serves.