Published on Thursday 15 April 2021

20 pieces from 20 countries, building one community

The action "Poems in the city" once again becomes a response to the burning problems of our times. Uncertainty related to more than just that. With the prevailing pandemic, but also with geopolitical turmoil and climate change, it is in the community that we are looking for a respite. And fortunately we find it. The last year was full of beautiful initiatives showing the strength of the community. The full spectrum of emotions can be found in the poems participating in this edition of the action.

Nadia's piece goes by the title 'qtar' (meaning 'drops'):


Exploring the power of words a bit further, Nadia remarks: ’Jekk aħna ftit li xejn għadna nistgħu niċċaqilqu, il-kliem mod ieħor. Jibqa' jimraħ, iżur mkejjen u rkejjen fejn saqajna ma jistgħux jeħduna, iqarreb l-hemm u l-hawn, jifirxilna wesgħat oħra, jmantnina. Grazzi mill-qalb lill-Ambaxxata ta' Malta fil-Polonja, lill-Arts Council Malta u lil Zuzanna Gawron talli wasslu l-poeżija 'qtar' sa Varsavja.’’

Translation: 'In these times when most of us feel fenced in, words continue to know no borders. They wander off, visit places where our feet can no longer take us, settle into secret corners, bringing together the here and there, opening up whole new spaces, breathing life back into us. Heartfelt thanks to the Embassy of Malta in Poland, to the Arts Council Malta and to Zuzanna Gawron for taking this poem, 'qtar', all the way to Warsaw.'

Malta’s participation is supported by the Embassy of Malta in Poland in collaboration with Arts Council Malta


About the Poet

Nadia Mifsud, born in 1976 in Malta is a poet, translator and teacher. She is the author of two poetry books: żugraga (2009) and kantuniera 'l bogħod (Skarta Edition, 2015), a novel Ir-rota daret dawra (kważi) sħiħa (Merlin, 2017) and many short stories. In 2016 her work was awarded the National Book Prize (poetry section). She lives in France.



Click here to read and listen to the poetry of authors from Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Flanders, France, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine and Italy.