Over the next five years we plan to invest Eur 10 million directly into creative work by creative professionals and arts organisations through partnership agreements, strategic funding and development funding for creative professionals and arts organisations.
Through the Cultural Partnership Agreements, which will replace previous organisation support models, we will enter into three-year partnerships with the sector in order to deliver and implement the priorities outlined in this strategy.
Strategic funding programmes are our main tool to implement our goals as set by the primary pillars of the strategy. Through these programmes we will address specific challenges and opportunities, such as international collaboration and export, creative start-ups, arts in the community and creative education which are not otherwise addressed by other funding programmes.
Development funding programmes provide the opportunity for us to invest in the development of quality-driven creative work which pushes the artists’ and the sector’s boundaries for more engaging creative experiences. These programmes will essentially focus on what matters most to artists – funds that support them in taking creative risks to develop new work through research, experimentation and collaboration.
We believe that our funding programmes need to work for a dynamic creative sector. We will revisit the programmes on a yearly basis, thus approaching our funding schemes with a degree of flexibility and openness to address the changing and developing needs of the sector. A yearly funding guide will also be published to provide information about upcoming deadlines, updates in funding programmes and best practices from previous sessions.
Besides direct investment, we are committed to looking for models of sustainability which aim at maximising public investment and finding alternative ways of funding and match funding. Collaboration with various stakeholders and with the sector is key to achieving this aim.
Throughout the implementation of the strategy, we will be creating a structure for conversations with the various stakeholders in the field, including private financing institutions, public institutions and Government entities.
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