Introducing ArtWorks: Transforming Education and Work Through the Arts

With ArtWorks, Arts Council Malta is promoting and investing in the arts as a dynamic learning tool and a diverse career path.

What is ArtWorks?

The educational and professional role of the arts needs to be championed and enhanced. This is the reason why the ArtWorks campaign by Arts Council Malta was conceived.

To Enhance Creativity: We want to help foster educational environments wherein creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration are integral to learning.

To Support Educators: Our efforts are committed to encouraging creative pedagogical methods and best practices to enhance teacher and student wellbeing and performance.

To Bridge the Gaps: We will create spaces and opportunities for dialogue between educational settings and the cultural and creative industry to aid both sectors in finding synergies.

Arts Council Malta has engaged with key players and stakeholders in the Educational and Cultural sector to identify common challenges and opportunities for development which will be addressed by the campaign.

Why the Arts?

Positive changes in education and the working world can happen by promoting the transversal value of the arts in fostering skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, in multiple contexts that go beyond specific jobs and industries.

An educational tool. Today’s educational landscape is focusing on collaborative and experiential learning, as well as the holistic wellbeing of students and educators. ArtWorks promotes the various art forms and art as a dynamic tool that enhances both teaching and learning experiences for all ages.

A transformative force. Art in education can enhance problem-solving, empowerment, and resilience. By addressing educational challenges with a multifaceted approach, ArtWorks advocates for the transformative power of the arts and the fostering of the latest skills and approaches.

A diverse career path. Arts education opens up multiple career pathways that empower each person with unique forms of expression. Artistic career paths can open up a dynamic and vast range of opportunities in disciplines ranging from performing arts, filmmaking, visual arts and design to stage and production management, sound and light design and beyond.

An innovation facilitator. Creativity is key to boosting entrepreneurial success in any workplace. Creative thinking allows individuals to develop new and innovative ideas, challenging norms and conventional ways of thinking within and beyond the arts themselves.

Are you interested in studying or working in the Arts?

The cultural and creative sectors in Malta while forming part of a promising future knowledge economy, are  thriving. If you are thinking about turning your passion into a path and wondering where to start, watch the stories of some of the professionals who successfully pursued the cultural and creative sectors.

Antonella Galea Loffreda - Actor, Presenter and Producer

Lee-N Abela - Theatre Practitioner

Ann-Marie Buckle - Musical Theatre Performer

Sean Borg - Freelance Artist

Alan Montanaro - Creative Education Director

Florinda Camilleri - Dance Artist

David Serge – Filmmaker

Darren Tanti – Artist

Where to go from here

Take the next step. Below is a helpful list of resources that you can use to gain more information on the creative arts, on the sectors that interest you, and institutional bodies that can provide you with direction to pursue a career in the arts or include the arts among your educational tools.

Funding & Initiatives

  1. Arts Council Funds & Initiatives
  2. Charter for the Status of the Artist
  3. Malta Art Scholarships
  4. Get Qualified Scheme
  5. EU Calls for Funding in the Cultural and Creative Sector
  6. Creatives Unite: Funding

Skills & Education

  1. European Year of Skills 2024
  2. European Year of Skills 2024: Malta
  3. Creative Skills Week September 2024
  4. Prospectus University of Malta
  5. Prospectus MCAST
  6. Mikiel Anton Vassalli College
  7. MVPA
  8. Malta Society of Arts

Platforms & Associations

1. European Alliance of Academies
2. The Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA)
3. Creatives Unite
4. 16 European Platforms for the promotion of emerging artists
5. Culture Action Europe: Get involved!
6. Art Directors Club of Europe – High Potentials 2024: Talent Scouting Programme
7. The European Media Art Platform (EMAP)

International Opportunities

1. WORTH Partnership Project
2. Supporting International Mobility: Culture Moves Europe

Arts Council Malta has invested in research on arts education in Malta. A research report on
the status of arts education in compulsory schools, carried out by the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education at the University of Malta, is available on our website.

Currently, research is being conducted by ARC Research and Consultancy Ltd to map the arts education sector across all levels – public and private, formal and non-formal - to identify positive elements and the gaps which need to be addressed. This research is being managed in collaboration with the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.


Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

National School Support Services

National Skills Council