The Theatre Spaces Support Scheme is one of Arts Council Malta’s funding schemes to invest in the infrastructural development of Malta’s cultural and creative sectors by supporting community theatre spaces, to improve and maintain their existing infrastructure and enable artistic output, in line with ACM’s Strategy2025.

The scheme addresses Strategy2025 by aiming to provide support to repurpose and upgrade existing spaces for organisations/companies/individuals in the cultural and creative sectors via collaborative frameworks with already-existing community theatre spaces.

The aims and objectives of the scheme are to:

• Revitalize existing community spaces: to support the repurposing and upgrading of existing theatre community spaces, transforming them into versatile, functional theatre spaces that cater to the evolving needs of the cultural and creative sectors.

• Foster collaborative partnerships: establish collaborative frameworks that encourage partnerships between creative individuals, groups, companies, voluntary organisations and community theatre spaces, to enable the potential of the community theatre space to become sustainable, multi-functional cultural hubs.

• Enhance accessibility and inclusivity: improve access to theatre and creative spaces for underrepresented and marginalized groups, ensuring that these upgraded spaces are accessible to all members of the community, including those with different abilities.

• Sustainability in infrastructure: promote environmentally responsible upgrades, ensuring that all space enhancements are in line with green building standards and contribute to long-term sustainability objectives.

• Empower local creative economies: stimulate local economies by providing opportunities for creative professionals, including freelancers, to access well-equipped spaces that enable them to develop, rehearse, and present their work.

By aligning these aims and objectives with Strategy2025, the Theatre Spaces Support Scheme will foster a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable creative ecosystem that leverages underutilized community spaces for the benefit of the wider cultural sector.

Applicants are required to consider the Right to Culture – Resource Pack when developing their proposal in relation to how they engage with communities and the considerations of everyone’s cultural rights in their work. The resource pack is aimed at increasing awareness regarding inclusivity and supporting the implementation of cultural rights in our day-to-day practice.

Applicants are also required to consider the Charter for the Status of the Artist when proposing their operational and programming activities to ensure acceptable and decent working conditions for artists and creative practitioners which embraces artistic freedom, accessibility, formal/informal/non-formal skill recognition, decent socio-economic conditions, non-discrimination and equity, ethical considerations and adherence to intellectual property rights and international labour law. The Charter for the Status of the Artist is meant to provide a dynamic frame of reference for any legislation, policy, or initiative which directly or indirectly impacts artists and cultural and creative sectors, ensuring that any action is aligned with the ultimate long-term vision of elevating the status of artists in Malta in line with their tangible value to society.

Who can apply?

The grant is open to undertakings for which assistance will be granted in line with the General Block Exemption regulation (kindly refer to Section 9 of these guidelines for additional information). Applicants must be the owners of a community theatre space. Furthermore, applicants must qualify as a:

• Voluntary organisation enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations that is compliant for the year 2022.


The deadline to apply is Tuesday 26th November 2024 at noon


Click here to download guidelines and click here to download applications template. 

Applicants are required to register a new profile as from January 2021. 

Apply here.