The scheme, through its various strands, offers pre-production aid (scriptwriting, project development) and aid to the production of audiovisual works for fiction, animation and documentary projects and cultural programmes in accordance with the Guidelines and Regulations (available below). 

The scheme provides financial support in the form of grant to independent audio-visual entities to develop and produce quality-driven cultural audio-visual productions. 

The Screen Support Scheme shall provide financial support for cultural productions including animation projects, documentary, fiction, and cultural programmes. It aims to facilitate the creation of eligible works, intended for theatrical release, festivals and broadcast (including VOD/SVOD platforms), that are considered to make a valid contribution to the expression of creativity and culture and are produced according to international standards.

Support can be provided to eligible applicants for their involvement in international co-productions (as majority or minority partners) as long as the application is submitted by the eligible applicant and a co-production agreement is in place (according to industry standards). Projects must display artistic and/or technical co-operation between the co-production partners. 

Who can apply?

Applicants must qualify as the following:
An Independent Audiovisual Entity as defined in these guidelines.


The deadline to apply is Tuesday 24th September 2024 at noon. Late application cannot be accepted.


Click here to download guidelines and download application template for Strand 1: Scriptwriting, Strand 2: Development, Strand 3: Short Film, Strand 4: Production feature lenght and Strand 5: Cultural Programmes

Applicants are required to register a new profile as from January 2021. 

Apply here