The aim of the Newspapers Support Scheme is to support the quality assurance of content related to arts, culture, and heritage in print newspapers.

Fully cognisant of the sector’s current situation with limited financial and human resources, the scheme seeks to support and facilitate ways and means how to address the present challenges.

The proposed scheme is divided in two strands:

Strand 1 aims at supporting linguistic services for print newspapers in the Maltese language. Newspapers published in Maltese will benefit from financial support towards linguistic development including orthography and improvement of journalistic expression in terms of style, clarity, syntax, and semantics. Elements like conciseness, political correctness, clear articulation, and analytical thinking may be addressed professionally and in line with international standards.

Strand 2 aims at supporting expenditure for the creation of regular arts, culture, and heritage content designed to disseminate knowledge to readers about cultural aspects via features, articles and pictorial material in view of promoting events and projects to attract new audiences. Print-based media in Malta is encouraged to feature recognition towards the importance of arts, culture, and heritage as seminal contributors to citizens’ wellbeing in contemporary society.

The scheme supports the below activities:

Strand 1:
- Attendance to proofreading courses in the Maltese language;
- Attendance to refreshers instruction courses in the use of the Maltese language and its constant evolvement;
- Instruction in idiom and stylistic qualities for journalistic writing in the Maltese language for print media;
- Outsourcing of linguistic services such as subber and proofreading services.

Strand 2:
- Attendance to short courses in Maltese and/or English language studies, journalism, and creative writing for the print media;
- Publication of advertorial material promoting arts, culture, and heritage;
- Remuneration for editors and/or contributors of pages and supplements dedicated to arts, culture, and heritage content that feature on a regular basis;
- Writing of reviews and critiques of activities related to arts, culture, and heritage such as exhibitions, performances, tours, and television productions.

All beneficiaries of Strand 2 must include a minimum of 25 double-page spreads in each print newspaper, annually, costing €250 covering arts, culture, and heritage content. Applicants are required to consider the Right to Culture – Resource Pack when developing their proposal in relation to how they engage with communities and the considerations of everyone’s cultural rights in day-to-day practice.

Applicants are also required to consider the Charter for the Status of the Artist when proposing their operational and programming activities to ensure acceptable and decent working conditions for artists and creative practitioners which embraces artistic freedom, accessibility, formal/informal/non-formal skill recognition, decent socio-economic conditions, non-discrimination and equity, ethical considerations and adherence to intellectual property rights and international labour law. The Charter for the Status of the Artist is meant to provide a dynamic frame of reference for any legislation, policy, or initiative which directly or indirectly impacts artists and cultural and creative sectors, ensuring that any action is aligned with the ultimate long-term vision of elevating the status of artists in Malta in line with their tangible value to society.

Who can apply?
The grant is open to undertakings and voluntary organisations that carry out an economic activity within the meaning of Article 107 TFEU (for which assistance will be granted in line with the de minimis Regulation), as well as those applicants that do not carry out an economic activity within the meaning of Article 107 TFEU. (Kindly refer to Section 9 of these guidelines for additional information). Applicants must qualify as one of the following:

• Company registered with the Malta Business Registry;
• Voluntary organisation enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.

Furthermore, applicants must qualify as a print medium listed on the Department of Information page available here.


The deadline to apply is Tuesday 12th November at noon. Late application cannot be accepted.


Click here to download guidelines and click here to download application form template. 

Applicants are required to register a new profile as from January 2021. 

Apply here.