Funded projects for 2018
Research Support Grant
Applicant: Mark Casha
Reference number: RSG-07 18-3327
Project Title: Test
Amount awarded: €4,512
The project aims at research a new original typeface specifically designed for the Maltese alphabet to be used in Austin Camilleri’s territorial intervention DISGHA. The project aims to create a transitory typeface that feeds in and feeds off Camilleri’s work. The engraved typeface will be exposed to natural weathering and its contours will face gradual deterioration dependent on the hardness of the ground material. This temporal transformation and its relation to its substructure will be recorded periodically and published. Finally a new emergent typeface will be designed based on the weathered typeface.
Applicant: Lou Ghirlando
Reference number: RSG-11-18-3331
Project: I’m Sex-Able
Amount awarded: €4,956
This project looks to create a foundation for performance work on the theme of disability and sexuality. In view of ensuring that the eventual performance is participant-led and is a true representation of the voice of the sexual and relational experiences of adults with intellectual disability, the need was felt to engage in a research phase to create a focus group with persons with intellectual disability, as well as to support the initial research phase with a group of selected persons with intellectual disability to design a performance project that will be the next step after this research phase.
Applicant: JD Farrugia
Reference number: RSG-15-18-3335
Project: By Proxy
Amount awarded: €4,000
By Proxy seeks to understand the culture of active citizenship in Malta with the aim to showcase and empower individuals who are working towards bringing about social change across a variety of sectors. This project aims at presenting an alternative view of active citizenship in Malta, highlighting the more minor social processes taking place in the country that we live. The team will be conducting interviews and recording short video works. During the R&D period, the team will also be able to identify the most effective modes of dissemination and engaging ways of presenting these stories to wide audiences.
Applicant: Benjamin Abela
Reference number: RSG-14-18-3334
Project: Angst (Working Title)
Amount awarded: €2,610
Benjamin will be researching and developing a script focusing on Maltese youths. The process involves workshops, working with mentors, collaborating with a number of different entities and meeting international collaborators.
Applicant: Glen Calleja
Reference number: RSG-04-18-3620
Project Title: Maħżen Poeżija
Amount awarded: € 4,999
Maħżen Poeżija huwa proġett pilota biex jiġi stabbilit maħżen multimedjali ta' poeżija kontemporanja bil-Malti aċċessibli għall-pubbliku. Il-maħżen ikun primarjament jikkonsisti f'kontenut awdjoviżiv (diġitali) fejn wieħed jista' jisma' (u jaqra) xogħol kittieba Maltin moqri kemm mill-kittieba nfushom kif ukoll minn qarrejja oħrajn. Tul dal-perjodu ta' riċerka u xogħol inizjali se jiġi stabbilit x'jitlob eżatt maħżen bħal dan kemm biex jitnieda kif ukoll biex ma jmutx wara ftit xhur jew snin.
Applicant: Peter k/a Pierre Portelli
Reference number: RSG-09-18-3625
Project Title: Officers and dragons: In search of the Japanese tattooist in Valletta in the early 1900s
Amount awarded: € 4000
The project aims to fill in knowledge gaps on tattoo art in Malta, specifically about the presence of a Japanese tattooist in St. John’s Str. Valletta (Triq il-Ganc) identified through Oral History accounts. The researcher will visit three specific archives in order to further the research on Maltese Tattoo design, establish the identity of the Japanese tattooer practicing in Malta and establish research network links to share information and gain further scientific knowledge.
Applicant: Sharleen Cauchi
Reference number: RSG-07-18-3623
Project Title: Vice Kings and Silver Rings
Amount awarded: € 4400
Through this research project Charlie Cauchi will carry out further research into the Maltese-born Messina brother, the main gang running London after WWII. The aim is to create a new multi-media installation from the subject matter. The research will take place in 3 sites: London; Belgium and Malta and will include real-world testimonies.
Applicant: Joanna Demarco
Reference number: RSG-12-18-3628
Project Title: The Spaces That Connect Us
Amount awarded: € 4400
‘The Spaces That Connect Us’ is an ongoing artistic and photographic 'case study' of a community in America by Joanna Demarco. Due to its location and the presence of a space observatory, the residents within the community are forced to live without mobile phone signals and with scarce connection to the Internet. This photography research project taps into a wider conversation about connectivity and its effect on humanity. It is a timely investigation into how we live with the internet, beginning in one of the only places in the Western world where connectivity has been purposefully limited. The ethnographic qualitative and empirical research is mainly conducted through photography in a documentative, visual narrative, however, it also includes academic research on the topic, and research through interviews etc. in order to give the photographs more context and to be able to direct the photographic narrative in a more educated manner backed up by excessive research.
Applicant: Maria Concetta Cariello
Reference number: RSG-08-18-3624
Project Title: Archi-Humans go Public
Amount awarded: € 2201
The research seeks to explore the human-architectural interactions in public environments, by analyzing the everyday site-user interactions in architectural public spaces and then challenging those interactions through dance. Different ways to interact with the site will eventually emerge. The researcher will discuss ways in which the public space can be approached and how dance movers can challenge conventional behaviors in public environments and generate fresh interactions.
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