Culture Segments Malta maps out in detail the profile of the culture market in Malta, examining the attitudes, motivations and behaviour which determine how those in Malta engage with culture.

Broken down by both artform and Culture Segment, this report examines who is currently going to arts and culture events, as well as measuring potential markets to provide detailed audience insight. This provides usable data for cultural organisations and assist them in setting realistic targets. The report is aims to improve the understanding of cultural organisations' markets using data that is rich, practical and powerful.

The report was commissioned by Arts Council Malta and compiled by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre (MHM) who were involved in the questionnaire design of the Cultural Participation Survey 2016. Analysis was then carried out on the data collected by the National Statistics Office (NSO) while employing the international standard segmentation system developed by MHM themselves. Find out what the culture market and audience segments are like in Malta by downloading the Culture Segments Malta report.