UNESCO is working to strengthen and expand the diverse voices of artists and culture professionals, thus helping to identify the gaps, needs and opportunities to be addressed through responsive cultural policies.

In 2022, the Ministers of Culture of the Member States of UNESCO, met at the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 – and reaffirmed in their final Declaration the imperative of protecting and promoting human rights and cultural diversity and advocating for participation in cultural life as an ethical, social and economic imperative. The historic MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration marked a turning point by affirming culture as a global public good.

Areas of your contribution

You are invited to provide feedback on the following key thematic areas, identified as priorities by the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration:

  • Guaranteeing cultural rights

  • Leveraging digital technologies in the culture sector

  • Encouraging culture and arts education

  • Enabling an inclusive and sustainable cultural ecosystem and driving economic development

  • Protecting and promoting culture in the face of climate change

  • Protecting culture and heritage in crisis and emergency situations

How your responses will be used

Your participation will contribute to collect information on the progress made since the adoption of the Declaration as well as to propose pathways to face the challenges experienced on the ground. It will also be considered as an input for UNESCO 2025 Global Report on Cultural Policies.

Your identity will not be revealed at any point during the use of the survey results. You may be contacted by UNESCO in case we wish to obtain permission to quote your responses.

Participate today!

The survey is open to all interested artists and culture professionals around the world. You are kindly requested to complete the survey by 31 July 2024

Please spread the word across your network on this opportunity to shape cultural policies for years to come. You may share this short link: http://bit.ly/4b5CObd. If you have any questions, please contact us at mondiacultsurvey@unesco.org.