Arts Council Malta (ACM) is accepting applications for the newly revamped Screen Support Scheme until September 24 at noon, with a total of five strands now available to cover various aspects of the indigenous film industry. This is the first time that the Screen Support Scheme is being managed by ACM, with a total of €1 million spread across the different strands.
Strands 1, 2, 3 and 4 are open to works of fiction, documentaries and animation, while Strand 5 targets only cultural productions. All applicants must be independent audio-visual entities.
Strand 1: Scriptwriting
This strand aims to support the pre-production stage of cultural and creative audiovisual productions by providing financial aid for the writing and related research of a script by experienced scriptwriter/s. New scriptwriters may also apply if accompanied by a script consultant.
There is a total of €140,000 allocated to this strand, with each project eligible to apply for up to €25,000 to cover the entire budget of the project.
Strand 2: Development
This strand aims to support the development stage of cultural and creative audiovisual productions, including the writing and/or further development of the script, research work, casting/selection of key creative members and all the other steps that need to be done by the team so as to be able to present the project to potential partners and industry players who can help finance it.
The latter includes participation at markets, pitching sessions and festivals, as well as the production of visual materials which will enhance the pitching package. A total of €200,000 has been set aside for this strand, with each project eligible to claim up to €50,000 to cover 100% of the costs.
Strand 3: Production (Short Film)
This strand supports the production of short films with cultural and creative content by providing financial support in the form of a grant to independent audiovisual entities to produce quality-driven audiovisual productions. The grant may include mentoring by a highly experienced film industry expert appointed by ACM.
There is a total of €80,000 set aside for this strand, with each applicant eligible for up to €20,000 to fund 100% of the project.
Strand 4: Production (Feature Length)
This strand aims to support the production stage of feature-length cultural and creative audiovisual productions in Malta by means of a grant that may include mentoring by a highly experienced film industry expert appointed by ACM.
Support can be provided to cover involvement in international co-productions (as majority or minority partners) as long as the application is submitted by the eligible applicant and a co-production agreement is in place. A total of €460,000 is available for this strand, with each applicant eligible for up to €300,000 (€50,000 in case of minority co-productions). The scheme may cover up to 50% of the eligible costs. In the case of co-productions which involve more than one EU member State it can cover up to 60%, while in the case of difficult audiovisual work 100% of the costs may be recovered.
Strand 5: Production (Cultural Programmes)
The aim of this strand is to incentivise the production of difficult audiovisual works with cultural and creative content, on private broadcasting stations. The strand is intended for eligible productions on private television stations that require investment to develop works that often lack access to private funding.
Financial support is provided in the form of a grant and may include mentoring as per the other strands. This strand also covers support for involvement in international co-productions (as majority or minority partners).
A total of €120,000 has been set aside for this strand, with each project eligible for up to €20,000 to cover 80% of the project costs.
How to Apply
You can access guidelines for each strand by here. Application templates are available here: Strand 1: Scriptwriting, Strand 2: Development, Strand 3: Short Film, Strand 4: Production feature length and Strand 5: Cultural Programmes. All applications must be sent here.