The third edition of the State of the Arts Symposium returns on October 24 and 25 to host a safe space where the artistic and cultural sector can look back at and critically engage with what has been achieved in the past editions, while focusing on the theme of Renewing Common Pathways.
This year’s Symposium will adopt a hands-on and solution-oriented approach centred around the way our actions and thinking can impact structural changes and, in turn, individual realities, while acknowledging how making things with others and recognising our interdependence is a practice of commoning.
The programme will focus on content thematics that have been informed by a public call for information regarding what themes feel urgent and crucial, including:
- How can a practice of commoning sustain the socio-economic status and working conditions of creatives?
- How can commoning processes challenge the current limiting and limited art funding structures?
- How can spaces and infrastructure become more available, accessible and affordable through commoning practices?
- How can shared values and an ethics of care open up access to a wider group of practitioners with different needs and experiences, leading to better equity?
- How can a process of commoning provide a wider variety of artforms and practices, relevant to more diverse audiences?
- How can a practice of commoning unify and consolidate efforts towards the development of formal and non-formal learning?
Day 1 – Programme
The first day of the Symposium sees Take Two director and producer Abigail Mallia opening the conversation. The morning proceeds with interventions by Bianca Elzenbaumer, (Director, Brave New Alps) and by Arts Council Malta and the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government.
The launch of the National Charter for the Status of the Artist follows, ahead of Fishbowl Conversations, where artists Lenn Cox, Floréal Comte, Alisha Doody and Erica Muscat and Cultural Researcher and Policymaker (EU affairs) Elena Polivtseva will be tackling the main issues head on.
In the afternoon there will be a series of Parallel Sessions which were selected after a public call for contributions. The topics will be as follows:
- Moulding connections in clay: rethinking social practice arts through play, presented by Martina Camilleri & Raffaella Zammit.
- Placemaking and cultural rights, presented by Regional Councils: Northern Region, Eastern Region, Gozo Region; KT Thomas; Arts Council Malta
- The future of work in the arts, presented by the National Skills Council & Arts Council Malta
- Valletta liveability and the uncommon, presented by Graziella Vella & Valerie Visanich
Day 2 – Programme
The second day of the Symposium opens with interventions by John Mallia (Director, Mediacoop) and a discussion about the Cultural and Creative Practice Survey by Arts Council Malta.
A panel conversation about Access and Accessibility in the arts world within a context of diversity follows, with the participation of Deborah Falzon and Julienne Schembri (Co-Founders, Dance Beyond Borders), Alexander Farrugia (Director at the Culture Directorate), Rhoda Garland (Commissioner, Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability), Britt Jurgensen (Board Member, Homebaked CLT) and Greta Pace Buch (Facilitator, Creative Coach and Communications Mentor).
A series of parallel session with take place in the afternoon, focusing on the below topics:
- Cooperatives and commoning: empowering transformation in arts and culture, presented by Claudio Farrugia.
- Cultural spaces: enabling more available, accessible and affordable engagement, presented by Marcon Borg Caruana and Andrew Borg Wirth.
- Representation, leadership and dis/ability in the performing arts in Malta, presented by Angela Bettoni, Tyrone Grima, Ilona Baldacchino and Jo Butterworth.
- Using creative thinking methods for more comprehensive decision making and problem solving, presented by Christine Xuereb Seidu.
The State of the Arts Symposium will take place at the University of Malta Valletta Campus on Thursday October 24 between 9:00am and 3pm, and Friday October 25 between noon and 5.20pm. Register here. For more information send an email to or call on 23347201/2.