
One of our guiding principles focuses on our support to the sector through the creation of a single service point which also provides consultation and information services.

Our brokerage services will serve as our first point of contact through which artists, representatives of organisations and the general public is able to send queries, address difficulties, receive and give feedback, develop ideas, make contact with entities or other stakeholders. Additionally, our brokerage services will take a more proactive approach in implementing Arts Council Malta’s role as an active broker in the field by organising regular sessions and workshops to share information and good practices, debate cultural matters and facilitate networking between peers and other stakeholders. Our creative brokerage team will also ensure that our services are accessible to different groups.

Stronger collaborations between Public Cultural Organisations will be also be brokered by Arts Council Malta through regular sessions and networking opportunities. We will also continue advising Government on the implementation of the cultural infrastructure programme and support the governance structures that will emerge from such projects.

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Funded Projects

Art Residency at Fundación ‘ace para el Arte Contemporaneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fuzzhoneys Album Launch and UK Tour

Unlocking Historic Sites through Contemporary Art Practice

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