Application deadline: 2nd July 2024
Ranking Order
Beneficiary: Fondazzjoni Socjo-Kulturali Ambjentali
Reference number: RFS24-24-4415
Project Title: Significant Movable Assets Restoring our Treasures
Amount awarded: €4,255
Project Description Summary: SMART project is directed at one of the most significant and unique statues in the Augustinian Order collection. It is a stepped approach to clean, restore, conserve and interpret one of the most significant movable assets in the collection. The highly significant polychrome statue (c.1400s-1500s) of Our Lady of Loreto sat in a niche in the old lost church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Valletta. It was damaged severely through various impacts in the original church and possibly during World War II. Its restoration will contribute extensively to the history of iconography and stylistic development of local religious statuary. The project will see the compilation of the complete asset documentation, which will be set in an interpretation panel as part of the conservation project.
Beneficiary: Fondazzjoni ghall-Patrimonju Kulturali tal-Arcidjocesi ta’ Malta
Reference number: RFS36-24-4441
Project Title: Conservation and Restoration of the Painting of the Baptism of Christ at Jesuits’ Church Valletta
Amount awarded: €8,000
Project Description Summary: The project will focus on the salvage of an important historic painting that of The Baptism of Christ. The painting is in urgent need of conservation as its condition has degraded significantly, requiring immediate intervention to prevent further damage and losses to its aesthetic qualities, that are of major historical importance. The most pressing concern is the presence of a bio-film growth that may be observed on the upper portion of the painting’s surface. This biological infestation likely originates from the colla pasta adhesive used during a previous restoration intervention involving the relining of the canvas. The lining, intended to reinforce the canvas, has inadvertently allowed mould spores to grow and penetrate through the preparation and paint layers, resulting in visible growth on the front surface. The painting has several areas where there are detachments to the painted layer, from the support canvas, that is compromising the integrity of the artwork. There is also evidence of insect damage as several small flight holes can be seen in different areas across the canvas, that is further threatening the stability and long-term preservation of the painting.
Beneficiary: Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Siggiewi
Reference number: RFS12-24-4372
Project Title: Conservation and Restoration of one of the oldest Statutes in Malta
Amount awarded: €8,000
Project Description Summary: This project seeks to conserve and restore to it’s former glory one of the oldest and sacred processional statues in Malta. This statue depicts St Nicholas of Bari and is located in the chapel found in the sacristy of the same parish church. It was located in the old parish (before it was demolished) and moved to the new parish church when it was completed.
This old statue carries a lot of devotion throughout the year. A lot of people devoted to Saint Nicholas no only from our local community but also foreigners come to light up candles during the year and pray.
Beneficiary: Socjeta’ San Pawl Banda Konti Ruggieru
Reference number: RFS25-24-4416
Project Title: Fumagazzjoni u Konservazzjoni tal-Arkivju u l-Bibljoteka Parrokkjali
Amount awarded: €8,000
Project Description Summary: L-importanza tal-Arkivju Kolleggjali u Parrokkjali tas-Santwarju Grotta u tal-Bazilika ta’ San Pawl tar-Rabat, titlob li b’mod urgenti jigu dizinfettati u fumagati d-dokumenti, manuskritti, ritratti u kotba stampati antiki li jinsabu f’dawn l-arkivji biex ma tkomplix issirilhom hsara rreparabbli. Il-process se jsir permezz tat-trattament bl-anoxia biex jeqred kompletament l-insetti f’dawn id-dokumenti.
Beneficiary: Assoċjazzjoni Rotunda
Reference number: RFS35-24-4440
Project Title: Assoċjazzjoni Rotunda
Amount awarded: €8,000
Project Description Summary: The antependium of the Old Xewkija Church, now displayed at the new Rotunda Church, is a masterfully crafted piece. Hand carved in wood and adorned with gold and silver leaf, this antependium is both a fine and delicate work of art. Created in 1893 the antependium showcases intricate gilded designs, embellished with various gems and the Lamb of God.
The antependium is currently in a very bad state of conservation with splits and cracks in the wooden structure, abrasions of the gilding showing the red bole underneath, losses in the gesso showing the wood underneath, surface dirt and missing decorative pieces. The plan for its restoration includes consolidation, cleaning, reconstruction of missing parts, professional restoration and reinstating gilding where it is missing in order to once again highlight its significance and beauty.
The restoration of this antependium forms part of a wider objective set by Assoċjazzjoni Rotunda, to preserve and promote the Xewkija ecclesiastical heritage. Currently, the Association is overseeing two major restoration projects involving the dome lantern and the church parvis of the Rotunda parish church, however, it is also aware of the urgent need for continuity in the restoration of artefacts, to meet the visiting public expectations. In all its endeavours, Assoċjazzjoni Rotunda is aiming to promote the religious heritage, art and culture, as testimonies for current and future generations and for visitors, of the faith, traditions and skills that forged our past communities.
Beneficiary: Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, Il-Gudja
Reference number: RFS13-24-4373
Project Title: Canvas of Faith – Restoration of the Painting of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary: Gudja Parish Church
Amount awarded: €8,000
Project Description Summary: The popular devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary in Gudja goes back to the late 16th century. This conservation project aims at giving back to our community, part of the Maltese artistic heritage, tied with the locality of Gudja, which artwork has become muted through the centuries by layers of aged varnishes and retouchings. Such coatings are indeed concealing the original 16th century pallette. Conservation and restoration treatments will not only reinstate dignity to the altarpiece of Our Lady of the Rosay embellishing the left transept of the Parish Church of Gudja, but will also arrest ongoing deterioration and throw more light on history of this painting which is thought to have been brought from the church of Bir Miftuħ. Furthermore, in his paper Bir Miftuħ: The medieval church and its frescoes, author Dominic Cutajar reports that it is very probable that the painting has been executed by the Sicilian Mannerist painter Giuseppe Salerno (d.1633).
Beneficiary: Fondazzjoni Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex
Reference number: RFS23-24-4413
Project Title: Restoration of 17th Century Painting of Our Lady of Sorrows in Taż-Żejt Church in Għarb
Amount awarded: €2,944
Project Description Summary:
TITLE/SUBJECT: Our Lady of Sorrows
MEASUREMENTS: 95 by 80 centimeters.
ARTIST: Attributed to Stefano Erardi
PERIOD: 17th century
MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUE: This is an oil-based painting on canvas support. The original canvas consists of one piece. . The painting is attached to a strainer frame. The strainer does not have beveled members. The painting appears to have a dark red ground layer. The canvas was secured to its strainer frame with cane nails. Due to its curved structure, several parts of the canvas support seemed to have been tied to the strainer frame, with the intention of retaining the canvas pulled inwards.
Beneficiary: Socjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni
Reference number: RFS07-24-4342
Project Title: Legacy Restored: A Project of Renewal and Preservation
Amount awarded: €7,602
Project Description Summary:
In the past these statues have undergone various unprofessional interventions. These unprofessional interventions were done due to the various damages that these statues had. Also, along the years, these artifacts were exposed to environmental factors such as humidity, temperature fluctuations and pollution which lead to the deterioration of materials. Thus, the restoration aims to stabilize and repair the damage, preventing further decay and loss of the artefacts’ original features.
The Fratellanza ta-Madonna tac-Cintura, in collaboration with the Socjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni of Luqa, decided to try to tap funds from this scheme. This will involve removal unprofessional interventions along on these artefacts, restoration of the papier mâché, cleaning, de-infestation, restoration of their wooden bases, and repainting to bring them back to their original glory.
Beneficiary: St Leonard Band Club
Reference number: RFS16-24-4380
Project Title: Restawr tal-Ventartal tal-Knisja Matrici ta’ San Leonardu, Hal Kirkop
Amount awarded: € 6,205
Project Description Summary: Il-progett jikkonsisti fir-restawr ta’ ventartal tal-fidda antik, xoghol tal-Professur Antonio Sciortino, u li jintrama kull sena matul il-festa ta’ San Leonardu gewwa Hal Kirkop. Din is-sena l-ventartal jaghlaq 75 sena minn mindu nhadem u ghaldaqstant tkun haga sabiha li f’dan l-anniversarju dan l-artefatt jigi restawrat u konservat kif jixraq.
Beneficiary: Socjeta’ Storiko Kulturali Vittoriosa
Reference number: RFS27-24-4420
Amount awarded: € 3,894
Project Description Summary: The statue of St Joseph at Vittoriosa is unique: it is a Spanish style processional statue with the figure of St Joseph and the Child Jesus robed in rich embroidered velvet and satin garments, with the head of the saint authoritatively attributed to Vittoriosa-born Melchiore Gafa’. The statue is mounted on an artistic wooden pedestal dating to around 1880, probably the work of Abram Gatt. The pedestal is of fine execution in typical baroque idiom, roundish in shape and gives the statue a majestic impression. The pedestal has over the years developed serious visible structural faults and fractures and is in dire need of conservation. The artefact has indeed survived the ravages of the war and continued to be used despite the apparent defects. This initiative aims to repair and strengthen the pedestal fabric, replace lost sculptural parts and avert irreparable damage.
Beneficiary: Għaqda Karmelitana Banda Queen Victoria, Żurrieq
Reference number: RFS31-24-4430
Project Title: Restawr tal-Pittura tal-Artal tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, Knisja Arcipretali, Zurrieq
Amount awarded: €6,205
Project Description Summary: This project will include the temporary removal of the painting of our lady of mount carmel from the altar dedicated to our lady of Mount Carmel in the Zurrieq Parish Church for a restoration process by warranted conservator-restorer Amy Sciberras as per restoration method statement being presented.