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Creative Industries Platform

The new Creative Industries Platform will give creative entrepreneurs the skill-set required to launch their business idea.

Starting a creative business is an exciting but often challenging journey which in today’s competitive markets requires entrepreneurs to continuously invest in their skills in order to innovate their product or service. A support framework within which to work and network will also go a long way in helping a start-up take root.

The Programme

This programme will facilitate the creation of sector support platforms within the Culture & Creative Industries that will provide targeted assistance to help the sector grow in a sustainable manner.

The scope of these platforms is also to provide support and services to help creative professionals improve their product and take their creative ideas to market. The funds received by successful applicants are therefore to be used to provide one or more sub-sectors within Culture & Creative Industries with access to professional mentoring, capacity building initiatives, networking, and export development opportunities.

The three-year programme will provide a grant of up to 80% of the project cost capped at €50,000 annually per platform for a three-year period. The funding is intended for Platforms to implement their proposed programme.

The programme contributes to further professionalisation of the Culture & Creative Industries with the aim of developing a stronger entrepreneurial culture within an increasingly competitive and dynamic creative ecology.

A call for participation in the programme was issued earlier in 2017. Results were announced in November 2017.

Five clusters to benefit from new Creative Industries Platform.

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