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Participatory attendance at the New York International Childrens’ Film Festival

Supported by the Cultural Export Fund

In March 2017, Sandra Zaffarese attended the New York International Children’s Film Festival in preparation for the following edition of the Little Rock People Children’s Film Festival (LRP), forming part of the Kinemastik International Short Film festival programme held annually in Malta. At the time the festival was entering into its 9th edition and Sandra was looking to seek out further innovative and thought provoking ways of introducing the media of film, animation and documentaries to the young local audience in Malta. The aim of this mobility project was to make contacts, but also to observe and attain a further understanding of the organisational and programming aspects of this prestigious festival in order to use the festival as a model for the festival locally. In fact, Zaffarese made strong links with the organisers of the NYICFF through a series of private meetings and discussions after the festival as well as chatting with many other established Film Festival organisers who were very interested in Malta and offered their contacts and invaluable insights into programming for children.

“I feel i benefitted greatly from this project as I was able to see first hand the excellent structuring and programming of such an Internationally esteemed children’s film festival. I was lucky enough to attend around 80 short films, thus giving me a fantastic overview of how a festival like this operates, as well as an opportunity to gather future films to screen and filmmakers to approach for the future editions.” 

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