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Participation of #EngageCREATIVES during NMD21

Participation of #EngageCREATIVES during NMD21 is one of the projects funded by Arts Council Malta to tour internationally.

“Through this mobility, we had the opportunity to present in an international, high calibre festival that usually focuses on artists and organisations originating from the Nordic region. This was the first time in the history of the festival – one that has been organised since 1888 and is one of the oldest festivals of its type in the world – that a Maltese organisation was invited to be part of it. This mobility therefore made it possible for us not only to expose work to new audiences, but also to network with participating artists and organisations based in the Nordic region…”  – #EngageCREATIVES presented two of its projects “Sonic Outreach” and “Stillness” during the Nordic Music Days Festival, held in the Faroe Islands this year. 

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