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Double Bill Denmark

Supported by the Cultural Export Fund

The producer of Theatre Momentum, an experimental theatre in Odense, Denmark, invited Moveo Dance Company and their collaborator Marie Keiser-Nielsen to perform “Misogynist meerkats” and “Plucked hens” at Theatre Momentum in August 2019. “Misogynist meerkats” and “plucked hens” are two dance performances about family, tradition and sexual identity. The experience consisted of three performance nights, each followed by a Q & A session with the audiences of each performance night, where they also introduced the company and their work. During these Q & A sessions, the audience remarked that they felt very engaged and thought the performance highlighted aspects fo the narrative that Moveo Dance Company themselves were not even aware of. 

The team state that this opportunity and working with Marie, a Danish choreographer, gave them great insight into a new world and outlook of choreography. They also had voice and acting workshops which they deemed extremely beneficial.

“Teatre Momentum were thrilled with the performance and told us they would be more than happy to host us again next year with a new production.” 

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