Workshop on pitching – KulturaTV

Artwork title, Artist name, YYYY

Published on 26 October 2015

Arts Council Malta, in collaboration with the NISI MASA European Network of Young Cinema, is organising a workshop for all prospective applicants of the KulturaTV fund.

The workshop will be held on 2-3 May at Fortress Builders, Valletta, between 09:00 – 17:00.

This two-day workshop will be led by Wim Vanacker and Nadja Dumouchel, both experienced and well-connected film professionals (click here for their biographies). This workshop is aimed towards film writers, directors or producers, and will provide a hands-on approach on how to construct a meaningful and convincing pitch by potential applicants of the KulturaTV fund. It will be divided into three sessions:

  • General introduction to pitching, a pitching session by applicants and feedback from tutors;
  • Introduction to writing of a treatment, with one-to-one sessions with tutors to finalise pitch and synopsis;
  • Final pitching session and feedback from tutors.

Prospective applicants of the KulturaTV fund are advised to participate, as this workshop is vital for the preparation and delivery of the pitch during the evaluation. Participants are required to come with a prepared five-minute pitch, a fully edited showreel of maximum four minutes and a fully written synopsis.

KulturaTV’s objective is to improve and increase the cultural content of local TV programmes, and is aimed towards private broadcasting stations and independent audiovisual production companies that would like to produce drama, creative documentaries or cultural programmes to be broadcast on local private TV stations. To know more about the KulturaTV fund, visit

Contact us on 2339 7020 or for more information.To book a place, send us an email on by Friday 22 April.

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